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Robert Walter, M.D.
December 29, 2021
Robert Walter, M.D.


Robert Walter is among the scientists and scholars who dedicated themselves to studying and practicing the fundamental truths of Hygienic living, emphasizing the role of the fast. Healthy living ensures health recovery by supplying the body with the elements of health and removing what is valueless. Dr. Walter documented this repeatedly.

Dr. Robert Walter was head of the world-famous Hygienic Walter’s Park Sanatorium. The Science of Natural Hygiene ‘cures’ sick people by removing the cause of the disease. He shared nature’s health remedies: air, light, food, water, exercise, rest, sleep, etc. He believed that physicians of his day were more interested in disease than health and wellness. His principles supported the fundamental truths of Hygienic living, which became the cornerstones of the National Health Association.


“Nutrition is a function of life, occurring only in living things, and is a product of the power of life, properly called the vital force. The conditions for the operation of this power are, first, machinery or the organism through which it may work, and second, the materials needed to build and repair the organism. Power has always been first, with the machinery or organism as its product and nutrition as its process.”

ROBERT WALTER, M.D., – From The Exact Science of Health, 1909
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