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Dr. John H. Tilden – Publications



Cause is one of the most imminent phases of all knowledge.  It is the key to every situation, and it means success in the study of the art of healing

–Dr. John H. Tilden

Randle, Helen G., Tilden, John H. (1934). The Proper Diet for Every Case of Impaired Health, With General Suggestions Regarding Health and Combination of Foods, Together with Valuable Food Formulas. Greenville, S. C: Helen Randle Health Publications.

  • This book is broken into two parts.  Part one focuses on foods and the organism of the human body. It covers how to build health and keep it, the relationship of food to Health, a food chart, original menus, correct combinations of food, contributing causes of disease, the three most significant errors in the human diet, exercise, care of the body, and aluminum poisoning. Part two focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of so-called diseases with their proper dietetic treatment. It covers acne, adhesions, arteriosclerosis, antrum infections, gallstone and appendicitis, arthritis, asthma, pernicious anemia, autointoxication, backache and lumbago, baldness, dandruff, eczema, Bright’s disease, cancer, constipation, cystitis, deafness, diabetes, epilepsy, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, hayfever, migraines, piles and hemorrhoids, prostatic troubles, syphilis, stomach, ulcers, pulmonary tuberculosis, varicose, veins, tumors, and rheumatism. 244 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1895). Cursed Before Birth: a Few Straight Tips Regarding our Social Condition. Denver, CO: Janes and Mundy CO.

  • This book offers an insightful analysis of the social condition of the modern world and how it has impacted our lives negatively. The author argues that we are cursed before birth due to the social and environmental factors that surround us. Through a series of straight tips, Dr. Tilden provides readers with practical advice on how to navigate the challenges of society. He covers a wide range of topics, including the impact of technology, the importance of healthy living, and the role of education in shaping our lives. This publication is a thought-provoking and insightful book offering practical advice on navigating society’s challenges. 314 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1909). The Etiology of Cholera Infantum Typhoid Fever and Appendicitis. Denver, CO: Merchants Publishing CO.

  • This book is divided into three sections: Cholera Infantum, Typhoid Fever, and Appendicitis.
  •  Part one focuses on cholera infantum, a disease of the elementary canal that prevails in the summer months, cholera’s etiology or cause, such as septic infection, the causes of cholera after birth, such as hot weather and bodily resistance, pathology, symptoms of cholera infantum, preventative and preparatory treatment (such as getting the sick room ready) as well as holistic treatment. 
  • Part two focuses on typhoid fever. This section includes the history of typhoid fever, pathology and changes in the body, tips on prevention, prognosis – as the mortality varies with treatment, causes of typhoid fever and its complications, symptoms, as they vary a great deal, prophylactic measures to guard against disease by taking action ahead of time, the care of the bed, room, and patient, treatment once the diagnosis of typhoid has been made and what to feed the patient when free from disease.
  • Part three focuses on appendicitis. The last section includes the anatomy of the human body, the history of appendicitis, the cause of appendicitis, the pathology of the appendix, symptoms, various treatments, case studies, and an overall summary. 458 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1909). Iconoclastic and Constructive Criticisms of the Practice of Medicine, Designed for Professional and Lay Readers. Vol 1. Denver, CO: J. H. Tilden.

  • In this book, Tilden presents a series of criticisms of the medical establishment and how medicine is practiced. Tilden argues that modern medicine focuses on treating symptoms rather than addressing the underlying causes of disease. He believes that this approach is ineffective and often leads to the overuse of drugs and surgery, which can have harmful side effects. In addition to his criticisms, Tilden also provides constructive suggestions for how medicine can be improved. He advocates for a more holistic approach to healthcare, considering the whole person’s lifestyle, diet, and emotional well-being. Overall, the publication is a thought-provoking book that challenges readers to question the status quo in medicine and consider alternative approaches to healthcare. The author gives recommendations for the treatment of specific ailments and the maintenance of good general health. 306 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1909). The Etiology of Typhoid Fever: With the Hygienic and Dietetic Treatment as Applied. Denver, CO: Merchants Publishing CO.

  • In this book, Tilden covers the history of typhoid fever, the pathology, prevention, prognosis, and mortality rate, the cause of the disease, use of drugs, sepsis, professional uncertainty, complications, the germ theory, predisposition, loss, resistance, symptoms, care of the bed, room, and patient, treatment, ventilation, ulceration, duration of the disease, hemorrhaging, healing, feeding when the patient is free from disease, and case studies. 160 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1909-1910). A Stuffed Club (Vol. IX, 1909-1910). Denver, Colorado: J. H. Tilden.

  • A Stuffed Club is a medical journal focusing on therapeutic practices and treatments for various ailments and diseases. This publication covers multiple topics, including the importance of proper nutrition, the benefits of fasting, and the use of homeopathy in treating illness. Dr. Tilden also discusses the dangers of overmedication and the importance of natural remedies in promoting overall health and wellness. 
  • This book includes A Stuffed Club magazine issues from May 1908 to October 1908. The reader will find medical advice on everything from dropsy to tuberculosis within these pages. This Club aims to train people to be in good health.
  • Tilden’s magazine, first known as The Stuffed Club, then Philosophy of Health, and later Dr. Tilden’s Health Review and Critique, was published as a Hygienic magazine. Everywhere, the trend was away from hydropathy, and the emphasis was placed on Hygiene and health. 396 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1912). Diseases of Women and Easy Childbirth. Denver, CO: The Smith-Brooks Press.

  • A medical book written by Dr. John H. Tilden that focuses on the health issues that women face, including menstrual disorders, infections, reproductive disorders, artificial menopause, care of the body, and daily habits build disease. It also provides information on achieving a healthy pregnancy and childbirth, with tips on nutrition, excess weight, exercise, headache, overstimulation, sleep, Tilden bread, tobacco, and relaxation techniques. Dr. Tilden’s holistic approach to women’s health emphasizes the importance of natural remedies and lifestyle changes. 

Tilden, John H. (1912). Gonorrhea and Syphilis. Republished 1997. Kessinger Publishing.

  • A comprehensive guidebook written by Dr. John H. Tilden explores the causes, symptoms, and treatments of two sexually transmitted infections: gonorrhea and syphilis. The book provides an in-depth discussion of these diseases’ history, epidemiology, and pathology and their impact on the human body. It also covers the various diagnostic methods of detecting these infections, including laboratory tests and physical examinations. In addition, the book also delves into the social and cultural factors that contribute to the spread of these diseases. Dr. Tilden explores the stigma attached to sexually transmitted infections and how this stigma can prevent people from seeking treatment. Throughout the book, Dr. Tilden emphasizes the importance of prevention and education in combating the spread of gonorrhea and syphilis. He provides practical advice on how to reduce the risk of infection, including the use of condoms and the importance of regular testing. It provides a comprehensive overview of these diseases’ medical, social, and cultural aspects and offers practical advice on prevention and treatment. 196 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1915). The Philosophy of Health. Republished 2010. Kessinger Publishing.

  • This publication presents a comprehensive guide to achieving and maintaining optimal health through natural means. Dr. Tilden was a renowned physician and natural health advocate who believed that the body has an innate ability to heal itself when given the proper tools and environment. In this book, he shares his philosophy on health and wellness, including the importance of nutrition, exercise, rest, and mental and emotional well-being. He also discusses the dangers of modern medicine and the overuse of drugs and surgery and advocates for a more holistic approach to healthcare. 596 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1916). Care of Children and Mothers. Denver, CO: J. H. Tilden.

  • The Care of Children and Mothers is a comprehensive guidebook that provides essential information on the proper care of children and mothers during pregnancy, childbirth, and infancy. It covers various topics, including prenatal care, nutrition, hygiene, breastfeeding, and childhood illnesses. Dr. Tilden emphasizes the importance of natural methods and encourages parents to rely on common sense and intuition when caring for their children. The book also includes practical advice on dealing with common childhood ailments such as colds, fever, and diarrhea. He shares that every child has a right to be well-born, and it is a crime for people to assume the responsibility of parenthood without adequate knowledge; hence, this book. Dr. Tilden aims to aid those who wish to get out of the conventional lines of knowing how to prepare themselves for childbirth and the care of their children after birth.

Tilden, John H. (1916). Food: its Composition, Preparation, Combination, and Effects, with Appendix on Cooking. Denver, CO: J.H. Tilden.

  • In this book, Dr. Tilden focuses on food and its influence on health and disease, food in its relationship to the body, digestion and absorption, animal foods, vegetable foods, sugar, spices and condiments, fats and oils, salts, beverages, and stimulants, along with a variety of recipes. 316 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1917). Impaired Health; its Cause and Cure; a Repudiation of the Conventional Treatment of Disease. Denver, CO: J. H. Tilden.

  • Impaired Health, Its Cause, and Cure challenges the conventional treatment of disease. The author argues that modern medicine focuses too much on treating symptoms rather than addressing the root causes of illness. He believes that many health problems are caused by a toxic buildup in the body, which can be eliminated through natural methods such as fasting and detoxification. In this book, Dr. Tilden provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the underlying causes of disease and offers practical advice for achieving optimal health. He covers topics such as the importance of a healthy diet, the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs, and the benefits of natural remedies. The book also includes case studies and testimonials from patients who have successfully used Dr. Tilden’s methods to overcome chronic illnesses. All diseases, according to Tilden, are due to toxemia. Herein are cures for all the diseases that afflict humanity. 

Tilden, John H. (1918). Epilepsy. 28 pages.

  • No description is available.

Tilden, John H. (1918). The Pocket Dietitian or How to Combine Food for Correct Eating, Special Menus for Summer and Winter. Denver, CO: Brock-Haffner press.

  • The Pocket Dietitian, or How to Combine Food for Correct Eating, provides a comprehensive guide to combining different types of food for optimal nutrition and health. It contains information on the importance of proper food combinations, the effects of improper food combinations on digestion and overall health, and practical tips on combining foods for maximum benefit. The book also includes sample menus and recipes to help readers put the principles of food combining into practice. It offers self-help for the sick and those with cranky stomachs and special menus for Summer and Winter. 

Tilden, John H. (1920). Venereal Diseases, a Drugless Treatment of Venereal Diseases. 3rd edition. Denver, CO: J. H. Tilden.

  • No description is available.

Tilden, John H. (1921). Appendicitis: the Etiology, Hygienic, and Dietetic Treatment. Denver, CO: Hartman-Bruderlin Stationary CO.

  • This book focuses on Appendicitis, its causes, and treatment.  Dr. Tileden includes the anatomy of the human body, the history of appendicitis, the cause of appendicitis, the pathology of the appendix, symptoms, various treatments, case studies, and an overall summary. 144 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1921). Food: its Influence as a Factor in Disease and Health. Denver, CO: J.H. Tilden.

  • This book explores the impact of food on our overall health and well-being. The author delves into the role of nutrition in preventing and treating various diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. He also discusses the importance of a balanced diet, the dangers of processed foods, and the benefits of fasting and detoxification. The book is divided into several chapters, each focusing on a specific aspect of nutrition and its effects on the body. Dr. Tilden provides detailed information on the various food groups, including proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, and explains how the body digests and metabolizes them. In addition to discussing the science behind nutrition, the author provides practical advice on making healthier food choices and adopting a more balanced diet. He emphasizes the importance of eating whole, natural foods and avoiding processed and refined foods high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. It provides a wealth of information and practical advice to help readers make informed decisions about what they eat and how it affects their overall well-being. This publication was extracted from the book Food: Its Influence as a Factor in Disease and Health by Dr. John H. Tilden.

Tilden, John H. (1921). Foods And Their Place In Diet. Republished by Kessinger Publishing 2010.

  • This publication is a comprehensive guide to understanding the role of food in our diets. The book explores the importance of nutrition and how it affects our overall health and well-being. Dr. Tilden discusses the different food groups, their nutritional value, and the benefits and drawbacks of various diets. He also delves into the science behind digestion and metabolism and provides practical tips for maintaining a healthy diet. This 88-page article was extracted from the book Food: Its Influence as a Factor in Disease and Health by Dr. John H. Tilden. 90 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1921). Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure, Volume I. Mokelumne Hill, California. Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing Co.

  • Impaired Health, Its Cause, and Cure challenges the conventional treatment of disease. The author argues that modern medicine focuses too much on treating symptoms rather than addressing the root causes of illness. He believes that many health problems are caused by a toxic buildup in the body, which can be eliminated through natural methods such as fasting and detoxification. In this book, Dr. Tilden provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the underlying causes of disease and offers practical advice for achieving optimal health. He covers topics such as the importance of a healthy diet, the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs, and the benefits of natural remedies. The book also includes case studies and testimonials from patients who have successfully used Dr. Tilden’s methods to overcome chronic illnesses. All diseases, according to Tilden, are due to toxemia. Herein are cures for all the diseases that afflict humanity. 928 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1921). Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure, Volume II. Mokelumne Hill, California.

  • People are beginning to understand that their discomforts come from morbidities, both mental and physical.  This book was written from Dr. Tilden’s standpoint that there is but one disease, toxin poisoning, or autotoxemia. The names given to pathological processes are nothing more than classifying affections.  The actual disease is simply crises or explosions, so to speak of this disease. All diseases may be likened to a string of beads, the string representing the true disease-toxemia–and the so-called diseases, which should be called affections, represented by the beads. Break the cord, and the beads are lost–correct the toxin, and the affections subside. 
  • This book covers diseases brought on by toxin poisoning, diseases due to chemical poisoning and sunstroke, diseases peculiar to gouty diathesis, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the respiratory apparatus, diseases of the kidneys, diseases of the blood and ductless glands, diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the nervous system, and alcoholism. 139 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1926). Practical Cook Book, Including Suggestions Regarding Proper Food Combinations. Denver, CO: J. H. Tilden.

  • The Practical Cookbook is a comprehensive guide to cooking and food preparation. This book is an excellent resource for novice and experienced cooks, providing detailed instructions for various dishes and cooking techniques. It includes recipes for soups, stews, casseroles, salads, and desserts, tips on selecting and storing ingredients, using kitchen tools and equipment, and cooking for special diets. The book is organized into chapters by food category, making finding recipes for specific dishes or ingredients easy. This book helped anyone who wanted to improve their cooking skills and create delicious, healthy meals at home. It includes suggestions regarding proper food combinations with illustrative menus. 222 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1926). Toxemia Explained: The True Interpretation of the Cause of Disease. Denver, CO: World Press.

  • The True Interpretation of the Cause of Disease provides a comprehensive explanation of the concept of toxemia, which is the accumulation of toxic substances in the body that can lead to various diseases. Dr. Tilden argues that toxemia is the root cause of all diseases and that the medical profession has been misguided in its approach to treating illnesses. The book outlines various factors that contribute to toxemia, including poor diet, lack of exercise, and emotional stress. Dr. Tilden also provides practical advice on preventing and treating toxemia, including dietary changes, fasting, and natural remedies. The publication introduces toxemia and explains what it is, enervation in general, poise, causes of enervation, retrospection, suggestions, and Dr. Tilden’s tensing exercises. 138 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1926). The Causes Of Enervation.

  • This book explores the various factors that lead to a state of enervation in human beings. Enervation is defined as a state of physical or mental exhaustion, weakness, or debility, and the author argues that a combination of factors, including poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, and environmental toxins, causes it. The book begins by discussing the importance of maintaining a healthy body and mind and the role of enervation in preventing this. It then goes on to explore the various causes of enervation in detail, including the effects of a poor diet on the body, the impact of stress on the nervous system, and the harmful effects of environmental toxins. Throughout the book, Dr. Tilden provides practical advice and guidance on avoiding or overcoming the various causes of enervation, including tips on healthy eating, exercise, stress management, and detoxification. He also discusses the importance of maintaining a positive mental attitude and a sense of purpose in life, as these factors can help to counteract the effects of enervation. The Causes of Enervation is a comprehensive guide to understanding and overcoming the factors that lead to physical and mental exhaustion. This publication was extracted from the book Toxemia Explained: The True Interpretation of the Cause of Disease by Dr. John H. Tilden.

Tilden, John H. (1926). Dr. Tilden’s Health Review and Critique Volume 1 (volume I). 

  • It is currently unavailable, and no description is available.

Tilden, John H. (1926). Practical Cook Book. Kessinger Publishing’s Rare Reprints. 

  • The Practical Cook Book by Dr. John H. Tilden is a comprehensive guide to cooking and food preparation. This book was an excellent resource for novice and experienced cooks, providing detailed instructions for various dishes and cooking techniques. It includes recipes for soups, stews, casseroles, salads, and desserts.  It shares tips on selecting and storing ingredients, using kitchen tools and equipment, and cooking for special diets. The book is organized into chapters by food category, making finding recipes for specific dishes or ingredients easy. With its clear and concise instructions, The Practical Cook Book is an essential reference for anyone who wants to improve their cooking skills and create delicious, healthy meals at home. 224 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1927). Dr. Tilden’s Health Review And Critique V2

  • This book is a collection of articles and essays on various health topics, including nutrition, exercise, and disease prevention. Dr. Tilden’s work emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to health. In this volume, he discusses the dangers of modern medicine and the benefits of natural remedies and lifestyle changes. The book also includes a critique of popular health fads and trends of the time. Dr. Tilden’s Health Review and Critique Volume 2 provides a unique perspective on health and wellness from a natural and holistic standpoint. 

Tilden, John H. (1927). Diseases of the Kidneys. Republished 2005. Kessinger Publishing.

  • This comprehensive medical book analyzes various kidney diseases and their causes, symptoms, and treatments. It covers a wide range of topics related to kidney health, including glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, pyelonephritis, renal failure, and more. The book is written clearly and concisely, making it accessible to medical professionals and laypeople. It includes numerous illustrations and diagrams to help readers better understand the complex anatomy and function of the kidneys. Diseases of the Kidneys was an essential resource for anyone interested in learning about kidney health and disease. This publication was extracted from the book Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure: A Repudiation of the Conventional Treatment of Disease by Dr. John H. Tilden. 48 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1928). Children: Their Health and Happiness: a Ready Reference Book for Mothers Who Desire to Know How to Bring Up Their Children in Health. Denver: [J.H. Tilden].

  • Children: Their Health and Happiness is a comprehensive guide to raising healthy and happy children. The book covers various topics related to child health, including nutrition, exercise, sleep, hygiene, and emotional well-being. Dr. Tilden emphasizes the importance of a natural, holistic approach to child care and provides practical advice for parents on creating a healthy and nurturing environment for their children. The book also includes information on common childhood illnesses, their treatments, and tips for preventing disease and promoting overall wellness. Children: Their Health and Happiness was an invaluable resource for parents and caregivers who want to help their children thrive. The book covers the care of mothers during pregnancy, general care of children, care at birth, babyhood to full maturity, feeding, nursing, weening, artificial feeding, and diseases. 184 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1934). Dr. Tilden’s Health Review And Critique V6

  • The book is a comprehensive review of health and wellness practices, covering various topics related to maintaining good health. It includes discussions on multiple diseases and their causes, as well as natural remedies and treatments that can be used to prevent and cure them. The book also provides insights into nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle factors in maintaining good health. With its wealth of information and practical advice, Dr. Tilden’s Health Review and Critique V6: 1931 is an indispensable resource for anyone interested in improving their health and well-being. 

Tilden, John H. (1939). Constipation, a New Reading on the Subject. Denver, CO: J. H. Tilden.

  • Constipation: A New Reading on the Subject provides a comprehensive understanding of constipation, its causes, symptoms, and treatment. Dr. Tilden explains how constipation affects the body and can lead to other health problems. The book also includes various natural remedies and techniques to prevent and treat constipation. Dr. Tilden emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle to maintain regular bowel movements. This book was an essential guide for anyone suffering from constipation or seeking to improve their digestive health. The book discusses constipation and what it is, remedies, polyuria, treatment for constipation, old age, bladder and skin irritations, laxatives, fever cases, mechanical obstruction, toxin infection, colitis, food, and Tilden exercises. 70 pages.

Tilden, John H. (1939). Dr. Tilden’s Health Review And Critique V14.

  • Dr. Tilden’s Health Review and Critique V14: a renowned doctor and health expert. The book is a compilation of articles and critiques on various health topics published in Dr. Tilden’s Health Review magazine in 1939. The articles cover various health issues, including diet, exercise, natural remedies, and disease prevention. Dr. Tilden’s writing style is straightforward, making the book accessible to readers of all levels of health knowledge. The book was a valuable resource for anyone interested in natural health and wellness, and it provided a wealth of information on how to maintain optimal health and prevent disease. It offers practical advice on how to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

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