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The Health Science Podcast | Episode 089. | July 18, 2024
089: Enthusiastically Modeling a Healthy Plant-Based Lifestyle with Vicki Brett-Gach
089: Enthusiastically Modeling a Healthy Plant-Based Lifestyle with Vicki Brett-Gach

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Vicki Brett-Gach, a prominent advocate for plant-based nutrition and lifestyle, recently brought her wealth of experience and passion to the NHA Health Science Podcast hosted by Dr. Frank Sabatino. Her appearance is an inspiration and she offered practical advice for listeners interested in exploring the benefits of plant-based diets and integrating them into their lives.

Journey to Plant-Based Wellness

Vicki Brett-Gach, a certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator, has dedicated her career to promoting the transformative benefits of plant-based eating. Her journey began as a personal quest for health and vitality, which she now shares through her coaching practice and public engagements.

Exploring Plant-Based Nutrition 

During her conversation, Vicki touched upon several pivotal themes about the plant-based lifestyle. 

Energy and Vitality: Vicki emphasized how transitioning to a plant-based diet can significantly boost energy levels and enhance overall well-being. She shared personal anecdotes and success stories from her coaching practice, illustrating the transformative power of nutritious plant foods.

Navigating Challenges: Recognizing the evolving landscape of dietary choices, Vicki discussed practical strategies for overcoming initial challenges when adopting a plant-based lifestyle. She highlighted the increasing accessibility of plant-based options and the growing awareness in mainstream dining.

Community and Support: Vicki underscored the importance of community in sustaining dietary changes. She discussed how online platforms and local gatherings play a crucial role in providing support and sharing resources among like-minded individuals.

Culinary Creativity: As a passionate culinary enthusiast, Vicki shared insights into creating delicious and nutritious plant-based meals. She encouraged listeners to explore diverse flavors and cooking techniques, making healthy eating both enjoyable and accessible.

Personal Reflections and Inspirations

Throughout the podcast, Vicki’s personal journey and commitment to plant-based living shone through:

She discussed her own experiences and challenges, highlighting how embracing a plant-exclusive lifestyle has positively impacted her health and vitality. Vicki emphasized the importance of authenticity and self-acceptance in making sustainable dietary choices, encouraging listeners to find joy and fulfillment in their food choices.

Moving Forward: Empowering Health through Plant-Based Nutrition

Vicki Brett-Gach’s perspective and insights are a testament to her dedication to promoting plant-based nutrition as a pathway to holistic wellness. Her insights continue to inspire individuals worldwide to explore the benefits of plant-based diets, fostering personal health and environmental sustainability.

As she continues her work through Ann Arbor Vegan Kitchen and beyond, Vicki remains committed to empowering others to embrace plant-based living. Her advocacy and expertise serve as evidence for those seeking to embark on their own journey towards vibrant health and well-being.

Episode Highlights 

[00:00] Introduction 

[03:00] The journey began for Vicki with a mother who dealt with many health issues.

[06:30] Everything shifted when Vicki heard about The China Study.

[09:30] The writing is on the wall with the health of Vicki’s siblings. 

[12:45] Dr. McDougall’s influence on Vicki’s brother. 

[15:40] Discovering the magic of potatoes

[18:30] Ann Arbor Vegan Kitchen unfolds in unexpected ways.

[23:00] Addressing challenges non-vegans experience. 

[28:00] Knowing how to make the best choices for your health.

[32:00] Various services offered by Vicki.

[37:00] Shattering the myths of aging. 

[40:30] The process can be as easy as you want it to be.

About Vicki Brett-Gach 

Vicki Brett-Gach is a Master-Certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach, Plant-Based Culinary Instructor, Certified Personal Chef, and the author of “The Plant-Based for Life Cookbook: Deliciously Simple Recipes to Nourish, Comfort, Energize and Renew.”

Vicki is Forks Over Knives Plant-Based Certified, Starch-Solution Certified, and earned a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition through the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. She is trained in Dietary Therapy for Reversing Common Diseases, and holds certificates in Wellness Counseling (through Cornell University), and in Culinary Coaching (through Harvard Medical School and The Institute of Lifestyle Medicine).

As a coach, Vicki works remotely with individual clients across the country, often helping them reverse health challenges and chronic conditions, and teaches whole food plant-based cooking classes to groups of all sizes, with a focus on helping people learn how to make eating healthy EASY. 

Vicki is the creator of the Ann Arbor Vegan Kitchen blog, and her recipes have been featured in multiple publications, including Health Science Magazine, Forks Over Knives Magazine, and VegWorld Magazine

Stay connected with Vicki at, for new recipes; for details about her one-on-one vegan coaching program; and to learn about her new ebook, “Feel-Great Desserts”!

About Dr. Frank Sabatino

As a recognized authority on the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle, Dr. Frank Sabatino has cared for and inspired thousands of people for over 40 years. Dr. Sabatino has a PhD in cell biology and neuroendocrinology and has done extensive landmark research on calorie restriction, stress, and aging. He currently is on staff at the TrueNorth Health Foundation in Santa Rosa, CA, and serves as the Director of Health Education at the NHA.

Dr. Sabatino’s passion and life’s work include raising awareness about the benefits of whole-food, plant-exclusive nutrition (without added salt, oil, or sugar), health rejuvenation and stress management.

Dr. Sabatino is the author of Weightless: Compassionate Weight Loss for Life, a groundbreaking guide to sustainable weight loss through a compassionate, plant-based lifestyle. Drawing on extensive clinical and personal experience, Dr. Sabatino offers practical strategies to overcome food addiction and avoid fad diets, risky drugs, and surgeries. The book provides meal plans, recipes, and lifestyle tips, emphasizing whole, plant-based foods and addressing the role of stress, sleep, and environmental toxins in weight management. “Weightless” empowers readers to achieve their weight goals healthily and sustainably, benefiting both people and the planet.

About NHA

The National Health Association (NHA), founded in 1948, is a nonprofit organization that promotes the benefits of a plant-based diet. The Association provides educational materials, educational events, and services to thousands of people around the world.

The mission of the National Health Association is to educate and empower individuals to understand that health results from healthful living. The NHA recognizes the integration of all aspects of health: personal, environmental, and social.

The NHA also provides travel experiences around the globe through the NHA Plant-Based Travel and cruise division.

More information: 


A unique benefit of the NHA Conference is the selection of two medical students who receive a full scholarship to the conference.

Contact Wanda Huberman for more information on how to apply for the scholarship.  [email protected]

NHA membership

For a very nominal investment, you can enjoy incredible benefits of the NHA membership.

Members of the NHA enjoy a subscription to the award-winning quarterly health journal, Health Science, access to the “Members Only” section of the NHA Website (which contains all 43 years of back issues of the magazine),  the ability to download for free many classic out of print eBooks on the history of the Natural Hygiene Movement, including Fasting Can Save Your Life and The Greatest Health Discovery, discounts on books, and early notice of the NHA events.

Only $35 a year for basic membership within the United States.

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