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The Health Science Podcast | Episode 099. | September 26, 2024
099: Building a Life of Recovery with a Plant-Based Foundation with Adam Sud
099: Building a Life of Recovery with a Plant-Based Foundation with Adam Sud

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Addiction is a pervasive issue affecting millions of people worldwide. In the United States alone, over 20 million adults suffer from substance use disorders, with relapse rates ranging between 40% to 60%, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). These statistics underscore the immense challenge of overcoming addiction, particularly when conventional treatment methods often fall short. As bleak as these numbers are, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that innovative approaches, such as plant-based nutrition, can play a critical role in recovery.

Adam Sud’s Transformational Journey

One person who knows a lot about addiction is Adam Sud, the founder and CEO of Plant-Based for Positive Change. Adam has emerged as a leading advocate at the powerful intersection of plant-based nutrition, mental health, and addiction recovery. His journey is one of profound transformation, moving from a life marred by morbid obesity, addiction, and chronic diseases to becoming a beacon of hope and inspiration for those facing similar battles.

Early Life Struggles and the Roots of Addiction

Adam shares his experiences growing up in Texas, where he lived in a loving household with supportive parents. However, around the age of 12, Adam’s life took a turn when his father became hypercritical of his and his twin brother’s appearance, particularly their weight. This scrutiny triggered feelings of inadequacy and anxiety, which Adam tried to suppress through rebellious behavior. Diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Ritalin, Adam recalls how this began a downward spiral into substance abuse, which he initially used as a means of coping with his insecurities.

The Dark Path of Addiction

Adam’s story of addiction is harrowing. What started as prescribed medication for ADHD evolved into a dependency on drugs like Adderall, which provided him with a temporary sense of confidence and acceptance. This substance abuse masked his deeper emotional pain but also led him into a life of criminal activity, severe obesity, and isolation. By the age of 30, Adam had hit rock bottom, weighing 350 pounds and on the brink of homelessness, with his life deteriorating physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The Turning Point: Overdose and the Decision to Change

In 2012, after a near-fatal overdose, Adam experienced a pivotal moment of clarity. He realized that despite his circumstances, there was something about his life that he loved enough to fight for. This moment of insight prompted him to reach out to his family for help, leading to his admission into a treatment facility. It was during this time that Adam began to explore the potential of a plant-based diet as a foundation for his recovery.

The Role of Plant-Based Nutrition in Recovery

Adam’s recovery was extraordinary, largely due to his commitment to a whole food, plant-based diet. Within months, he reversed his diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. By the end of his first year in recovery, Adam had lost nearly 150 pounds and was off all medications, including those for anxiety, depression, and ADHD. His transformation wasn’t just physical; it was a profound shift in how he viewed himself and his place in the world.

The Infinite Study: Linking Plant-Based Nutrition to Resilience in Recovery

A key highlight of the podcast is Adam’s discussion of the Infinite Study, a groundbreaking pilot study he led to investigate the effects of plant-based nutrition on early addiction recovery. The study, conducted at Infinite Recovery in Austin, Texas, revealed that participants who followed a plant-based diet showed significant improvements in resilience, self-esteem, and self-compassion compared to those on a standard diet. Adam explains that the results suggest a plant-based diet not only supports physical health but also plays a crucial role in enhancing mental and emotional well-being during recovery.

Overcoming Addiction Through Connection and Purpose

Adam emphasizes the importance of connection and purpose in overcoming addiction. He discusses how his relationships, particularly with his twin brother and his wife, have been integral to his ongoing recovery. Adam’s story is a testament to the power of love, community, and a strong sense of purpose in the journey towards healing.

A Message of Hope and Resilience

Adam’s story is one of hope and resilience, offering inspiration to anyone struggling with addiction or chronic health issues. His message is clear: recovery is possible, and a plant-based lifestyle can be a powerful tool in reclaiming one’s health and life. As he continues to share his story and work with others, Adam is a living example of the profound impact that dietary and lifestyle changes can have on mental and physical health.

For more information on Adam Sud and his work, visit You can also learn more about the Infinite Study and the impact of plant-based nutrition on addiction recovery through his website.

Episode Highlights 

[00:00] Introduction 

[02:00] The road from obesity and addiction to a life of service.

[05:15] Excessive bullying set the tone for Adam’s teen years.

[08:00] The ease and repeatability found in Adderall. 

[11:30] Beyond drugs, into fast food addictions tip the scales at 350 pounds.

[15:00] The overdose that shifted the trajectory of Adam’s life forever. 

[20:00] Lifestyle changes that reversed several diseases including Type II diabetes.

[26:00] Determining measurable outcomes that factors in the success of recovery.

[33:00] The terrifying reality of end stage substance abuse. 

[40:00] Plant-based diets do increase resilience and healthier lifestyle choices.

[44:15] How the “Bliss Point” triggers addictive behaviors. 

[52:00] What’s on the horizon for Adam. 

[56:00] Remind someone you love that you do love them…it matters.

About Adam Sud

Adam Sud is a behavioral wellness and nutrition expert, international speaker, and the founder of Plant-Based for Positive Change, a nonprofit focused on how nutrition impacts mental health and addiction. In 2020, he led the first controlled study examining plant-based nutrition’s effects on early addiction recovery, showing promising results in improving psychosocial health.

Adam’s expertise is rooted in his studies with renowned plant-based physicians, including Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. Alona Pulde. Certified by the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at Cornell and the CHEK Institute, he has a deep understanding of how nutrition and behavior change can aid in disease reversal and addiction recovery.

After overcoming his own struggles with addiction and chronic diseases, Adam has been sober for over 10 years. His journey inspired him to help others through coaching programs that combine nutrition, behavior science, and evolutionary psychology. He aims to change perceptions of plant-based nutrition and its role in treating addiction and mental illness.

Adam is also a sought-after speaker in the health and wellness community, having presented at major events like Plant-Stock and The Food Revolution Summit. His story and work have been featured in various media outlets, including Men’s Health, The Whole Foods Diet Book, and The Proof Podcast.

About Dr. Frank Sabatino

As a recognized authority on the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle, Dr. Frank Sabatino has cared for and inspired thousands of people for over 40 years. Dr. Sabatino has a PhD in cell biology and neuroendocrinology and has done extensive landmark research on calorie restriction, stress, and aging. He currently is on staff at the TrueNorth Health Foundation in Santa Rosa, CA, and serves as the Director of Health Education at the NHA.

Dr. Sabatino’s passion and life’s work include raising awareness about the benefits of whole-food, plant-exclusive nutrition (without added salt, oil, or sugar), health rejuvenation and stress management.

Dr. Sabatino is the author of Weightless: Compassionate Weight Loss for Life, a groundbreaking guide to sustainable weight loss through a compassionate, plant-based lifestyle. Drawing on extensive clinical and personal experience, Dr. Sabatino offers practical strategies to overcome food addiction and avoid fad diets, risky drugs, and surgeries. The book provides meal plans, recipes, and lifestyle tips, emphasizing whole, plant-based foods and addressing the role of stress, sleep, and environmental toxins in weight management. “Weightless” empowers readers to achieve their weight goals healthily and sustainably, benefiting both people and the planet.

About NHA

The National Health Association (NHA), founded in 1948, is a nonprofit organization that promotes the benefits of a plant-based diet. The Association provides educational materials, educational events, and services to thousands of people around the world.

The mission of the National Health Association is to educate and empower individuals to understand that health results from healthful living. The NHA recognizes the integration of all aspects of health: personal, environmental, and social.

The NHA also provides travel experiences around the globe through the NHA Plant-Based Travel and cruise division.

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A unique benefit of the NHA Conference is the selection of two medical students who receive a full scholarship to the conference.

Contact Wanda Huberman for more information on how to apply for the scholarship.  [email protected]

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Members of the NHA enjoy a subscription to the award-winning quarterly health journal, Health Science, access to the “Members Only” section of the NHA Website (which contains all 43 years of back issues of the magazine),  the ability to download for free many classic out of print eBooks on the history of the Natural Hygiene Movement, including Fasting Can Save Your Life and The Greatest Health Discovery, discounts on books, and early notice of the NHA events.

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