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The Health Science Podcast | Episode 087. | July 04, 2024
087: The Plan A Diet Minimizes Resistance to Change with Cyd Notter
087: The Plan A Diet Minimizes Resistance to Change with Cyd Notter

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In the realm of health and wellness, some individuals find ways to intertwine their professional pursuits with their spiritual missions. Cyd Notter is one such individual. As an ardent advocate for plant-based nutrition and the author of “The Plan A Diet,” Cyd uses her business as a platform to carry out her ministry. 

In a recent episode of the Health Science Podcast, Cyd shared insights into her journey, the power of community, and practical tips for overcoming barriers to a healthy lifestyle.

The Intersection of Business and Ministry

Cyd’s commitment to health goes beyond the bounds of business; it is her ministry. Inspired by her faith and the belief that our bodies are wonderfully made, she founded the “Wonderfully Made Ministry.” This initiative aims to promote healthy eating within her church community through weight loss challenges, cooking demonstrations, and educational talks. Despite modest attendance, Cyd remains undeterred, driven by the belief that even reaching a few individuals can make a significant difference.

The Power of Encouragement and Community

One of the recurring themes in Cyd’s conversation was the power of encouragement and community. Reflecting on a quote by Clint Eastwood—”He gets up every morning and goes outside and doesn’t let the old man in“—Cyd emphasized the importance of staying active and vibrant regardless of age. This sentiment resonated deeply with her and underscored her belief in breaking free from societal age-related stereotypes.

Addressing Resistance to Change

A significant portion of the conversation revolved around common barriers to adopting a healthier lifestyle. Cyd identified twelve specific reasons that often deter individuals from making lasting changes, including pain avoidance, emotional eating, food addictions, and ingrained habits. The avoidance of discomfort is a major hurdle for many people.  Cyd emphasizes that people who are successful long-term are willing to endure the short-term period of discomfort needed to get over the hump.

Family and peer pressure also play a significant role. Cyd cited an article suggesting that the lack of household support is the biggest reason for failure in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

Creative Substitutions and Transitional Foods

To help people overcome these barriers, Cyd and Dr. Sabatino suggested creative substitutions and transitional foods. Dr. Sabatino shared his approach of allowing for imperfect yet healthier options to ease the transition. This strategy helps people realize they do not have to give up their favorite foods entirely but can instead find healthier alternatives that move them in a plant-based direction.

The Role of the National Health Association

Cyd’s involvement with the National Health Association (NHA) was another highlight of the discussion. She described attending the NHA conference in 2023 and being inspired by the community and the performances, including Dr. Sabatino’s harmonica playing. The conference, she noted, is not just about intellectual stimulation but also about celebrating life through music, dance, and laughter.

Looking Ahead

Looking forward, Cyd expressed her desire to focus more on brain health, motivated by her sister’s struggle with dementia. As a new Food for Life instructor, she plans to offer online classes, particularly those centered around brain health. Additionally, she is a founding member of the Sage Circle Alliance, a group of like-minded entrepreneurs, which she hopes will help her streamline her efforts and focus on the most impactful aspects of her work.

Cyd emphasized the importance of balancing work and personal life, ensuring that time is spent meaningfully. She enjoys restoring vintage Volkswagens with her husband, an activity that brings them both joy and satisfaction.

Final Thoughts

Cyd emphasized that life is too short to spend the last 15, 20, or more years focused on preventable health problems. She highlighted that people have much more control over their health than they think, through diet and lifestyle choices. Cyd’s focus in all she does is on community, creativity, and perseverance in overcoming obstacles to achieve lasting health and vitality.

Episode Highlights

[00:00] Introduction

[00:00] Unhealthy vegetarian to healthy plant based eater… how it started. 

[05:00] Health issues were not the focus… until they were. 

[06:30] The connection between religious teachings, compassion and eating for health.

[09:30] Using critical thinking when it comes to fake news and accurate information. 

[15:00] The “Plan A Diet” book was divinely inspired.

[18:30] Moving past blindly eating unhealthy foods. 

[20:00] Food, Faith and Fulfilling Your Purpose course is born. 

[24:45] Overcoming the stigma of ageism. 

[27:30] Common barriers to change. 

[34:00] What the NHA means to Cyd. 

[37:30] Fun times with Volkswagen buses. 

About Cyd Notter 

Cyd Notter is a Center for Nutrition Studies Certified Professional, a Licensed PCRM Food for Life Instructor, and a certified instructor for several dietary therapy courses, including The Starch Solution, Food Over Medicine, and Women’s Health. She offers a variety of health and cooking classes, provides nutritional coaching on both individual and corporate levels, speaks to local groups, and has worked with school district employees and a hospital’s fitness center.

Cyd’s column titled “The Nutrition Coach”—which ran in three local newspapers for seven years—featured general dietary advice, recipes, and answers to reader’s questions. Several of her articles have also been published in Cape Style Magazine, a Florida-based on-line publication.

Cyd is also the founder and author of The “Plan A” Diet: Combining Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition with the Timeless Wisdom of Scripture, which earned a Book Excellence Award. Notter’s past accolades include offering classes for six years as a Certified Health Educator for Wellness Forum Health, being named Woman of the Year by the Morris Business and Professional Women, and being named Entrepreneur of the Year by the Grundy County Chamber of Commerce for her role as a retail business owner. Cyd and her husband Steve live in Illinois where they enjoy outdoor activities, classic movies, and old Volkswagens. 


About Dr. Frank Sabatino

As a recognized authority on the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle, Dr. Frank Sabatino has cared for and inspired thousands of people for over 40 years. Dr. Sabatino has a PhD in cell biology and neuroendocrinology and has done extensive landmark research on calorie restriction, stress, and aging. He currently is on staff at the TrueNorth Health Foundation in Santa Rosa, CA, and serves as the Director of Health Education at the NHA.

Dr. Sabatino’s passion and life’s work include raising awareness about the benefits of whole-food, plant-exclusive nutrition (without added salt, oil, or sugar), health rejuvenation and stress management.

About NHA

The National Health Association (NHA), founded in 1948, is a nonprofit organization that promotes the benefits of a plant-based diet. The Association provides educational materials, educational events, and services to thousands of people around the world.

The mission of the National Health Association is to educate and empower individuals to understand that health results from healthful living. The NHA recognizes the integration of all aspects of health: personal, environmental, and social.

The NHA also provides travel experiences around the globe through the NHA Plant-Based Travel and cruise division.

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A unique benefit of the NHA Conference is the selection of two medical students who receive a full scholarship to the conference.

Contact Wanda Huberman for more information on how to apply for the scholarship.  [email protected]

NHA membership

For a very nominal investment, you can enjoy incredible benefits of the NHA membership.

Members of the NHA enjoy a subscription to the award-winning quarterly health journal, Health Science, access to the “Members Only” section of the NHA Website (which contains all 43 years of back issues of the magazine),  the ability to download for free many classic out of print eBooks on the history of the Natural Hygiene Movement, including Fasting Can Save Your Life and The Greatest Health Discovery, discounts on books, and early notice of the NHA events.Only $35 a year for basic membership within the United States.

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