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The Health Science Podcast | Episode 091. | August 01, 2024
091: Through the Lens of Compassion with Bobby Sud
091: Through the Lens of Compassion with Bobby Sud

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Every year, billions of animals suffer unimaginable cruelty in factory farms, living in appalling conditions before meeting a brutal end. This stark reality forms the backdrop for the inspiring journey of Bobby Sud, an animal rights photographer and photojournalist.

A Journey from Health Crisis to Plant-Based Advocacy

Bobby Sud’s path to veganism was deeply personal. Once weighing 300 pounds and suffering from type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension, Bobby’s health was in dire straits. Living in Austin, Texas, he was inspired by his identical twin brother, who had adopted a plant-based lifestyle and experienced profound health benefits. Despite witnessing his brother’s transformation, it took Bobby three years to make the leap himself, moving to Los Angeles to embrace a new way of living.

Bobby doesn’t hold back when sharing the emotional and psychological hurdles he faced in making such a significant lifestyle change. For someone whose only source of joy was food, giving up unhealthy eating habits was a daunting task. He emphasized how isolating poor health can be and how terrifying it was to trust in the possibility of finding joy in other aspects of life.

The Road Less Eaten: Exploring Global Vegan Culture

Bobby’s passion for plant-based living extended beyond personal health. He was curious about how different cultures around the world embraced plant-based diets. This curiosity led to the creation of “The Road Less Eaten,” a travel show inspired by Anthony Bourdain’s style but focused on vegan cuisine and culture. Together with actress Ally Eisman, Bobby explored veganism in countries like Israel and Ireland, showcasing the universal appeal of plant-based food.

Despite the show’s potential, it faced significant challenges in securing advertising and network support, ultimately leading to its premature end. However, the experience opened doors for Bobby, connecting him with influential figures in the animal rights movement and allowing him to transition into more impactful work.

Documenting Atrocities: From Photography to Animal Rights Filmmaking

Bobby’s encounter with the Animal Save Movement marked a turning point in his career. Introduced by John Pierre (JP), he attended his first pig vigil outside a slaughterhouse in Los Angeles. The experience of seeing pigs just moments before their death profoundly affected him, shifting his focus from human health to animal rights. He began working closely with Shaun Monson, the creator of the documentary “Earthlings,” and Amy Jean Davis, the founder of LA Animal Save.

As a photographer and organizer for LA Animal Save, Bobby documented the harrowing conditions and emotional moments at slaughterhouse vigils. His work brought to light the suffering of animals and the compassionate efforts of activists. He described the internal conflict of maintaining objectivity while being deeply affected by the scenes he witnessed.

Exploring the Million Dollar Vegan Campaign: Transforming Lives with Plant-Based Diets

The Million Dollar Vegan campaign, initiated by Matthew Glover in the UK and later expanded to the United States, showcases the transformative power of a plant-exclusive vegan diet. Glover, also known for starting Veganuary, envisioned a project that would inspire people to try veganism by highlighting real-life stories of individuals who have dramatically improved their health through dietary changes. This campaign involved interviewing people from various walks of life, including athletes and former soldiers, who had experienced significant health improvements by adopting a vegan lifestyle.

One of the most impactful elements of the Million Dollar Vegan campaign is the collection of approximately 80 videos featuring these inspiring stories. The project has since evolved into Generation Vegan, which continues to share these powerful narratives on their website, YouTube, and Instagram. Although Bobby Sud is no longer directly involved with the campaign, he reflects on it as one of the most influential projects he’s worked on, due to its ability to motivate people to embrace a plant-based diet.

Ongoing Projects and Future Plans

Bobby Sud continues to work on various impactful projects. One of his current endeavors is a photography book that compiles his work over the years, including his documentation of LA Animal Save’s activities. This book aims to reach a broader audience and raise awareness about animal rights through powerful visual storytelling.

In addition to the photography book, Sud is collaborating on a documentary project with Steve Bellamy, the former president of Kodak Motion Pictures. This documentary, although not exclusively focused on veganism, features interviews with 40 influential individuals, half of whom are vegan. The project emphasizes creativity and showcases the diverse paths people take to make a positive impact.

Personal Wellness and Advocacy

Bobby’s journey in activism and advocacy has not been without challenges. In 2023, he spent 12 weeks in a mental health clinic to address PTSD from his years of activism. This experience underscored the importance of self-care and compassion, not just for animals but for oneself. Bobby emphasizes the need for activists to find balance and engage in activities that promote their own well-being.

Currently, Bobby has relocated to Austin and is focusing on his personal health and fitness. He advocates for a balanced approach to veganism, recognizing that context matters. For individuals with severe health issues, a low-fat plant-based diet may be necessary, but for others, incorporating healthy fats can be beneficial and sustainable.

Final Thoughts on Activism and Impact

Bobby believes that effective activism requires understanding and compassion. He advocates for a more empathetic approach, where activists listen and validate others’ experiences rather than shaming them. By creating small shifts in consciousness and encouraging people to listen, activists can foster more significant and lasting changes.

Bobby Sud’s appearance on the NHA Health Science Podcast offered a compelling glimpse into his journey from personal health struggles to becoming a prominent advocate for animal rights. Through his photography and filmmaking, he continues to shine a light on the harsh realities of animal agriculture, inspiring others to consider the ethical and health benefits of a plant-based lifestyle.

Episode Highlights

[00:00]             Introduction

[02:00]             The journey from obesity to living a healthy lifestyle.

[06:00]             The Road Less Eaten.

[09:30]             Doors opening for filming the atrocities of factory farming.

[12:30]             Getting involved in Animal Save and numerous vigils.

[16:00]             Dealing with PTSD from knowing what the animals experience.

[22:00]             Love over hate for vegans.

[26:00]             Million Dollar Vegan.

[30:45]             A time for reflection and soul searching.

[35:00]             Letting go of shaming and embracing encouragement.

About Bobby Sud

Bobby Sud is a distinguished filmmaker and photographer with over seven years of dedicated service as an organizer for LA Animal Save. Known for his passionate advocacy for animal rights, Bobby’s work captures the individuality and suffering of animals through powerful visual storytelling. His commitment to the cause is reflected in his role as an animal photojournalist and contributing photographer for WeAnimals, where his impactful images bring attention to the plight of animals worldwide.

In the realm of filmmaking and cinematography, Bobby has collaborated with notable figures such as Shaun Monson, director of the acclaimed documentary “Earthlings,” as well as with Generation Vegan and musician Moby. His expertise and dedication have made significant contributions to these influential projects, furthering the reach and impact of the vegan movement.

Currently, Bobby is working on an exciting documentary focused on creativity with Steve Bellamy. This project features an impressive lineup of personalities, including Moby, Patty Jenkins, Giovanni Ribisi, Shepard Fairey, Jeff Nichols, Ray Parker Jr., Tom Morello, Tiffany Haddish, Tyler Shields, Willa Fitzgerald, Kyle MacLachlan, Kevin Smith, and many more. Through this documentary, Bobby continues to explore and celebrate the diverse expressions of creativity, further solidifying his position as a multifaceted and impactful storyteller.

Bobby’s work can be viewed on Instagram at

About Dr. Frank Sabatino

As a recognized authority on the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle, Dr. Frank Sabatino has cared for and inspired thousands of people for over 40 years. Dr. Sabatino has a PhD in cell biology and neuroendocrinology and has done extensive landmark research on calorie restriction, stress, and aging. He currently is on staff at the TrueNorth Health Foundation in Santa Rosa, CA, and serves as the Director of Health Education at the NHA.

Dr. Sabatino’s passion and life’s work include raising awareness about the benefits of whole-food, plant-exclusive nutrition (without added salt, oil, or sugar), health rejuvenation and stress management.

Dr. Sabatino is the author of Weightless: Compassionate Weight Loss for Life, a groundbreaking guide to sustainable weight loss through a compassionate, plant-based lifestyle. Drawing on extensive clinical and personal experience, Dr. Sabatino offers practical strategies to overcome food addiction and avoid fad diets, risky drugs, and surgeries. The book provides meal plans, recipes, and lifestyle tips, emphasizing whole, plant-based foods and addressing the role of stress, sleep, and environmental toxins in weight management. “Weightless” empowers readers to achieve their weight goals healthily and sustainably, benefiting both people and the planet.

About NHA

The National Health Association (NHA), founded in 1948, is a nonprofit organization that promotes the benefits of a plant-based diet. The Association provides educational materials, educational events, and services to thousands of people around the world.

The mission of the National Health Association is to educate and empower individuals to understand that health results from healthful living. The NHA recognizes the integration of all aspects of health: personal, environmental, and social.

The NHA also provides travel experiences around the globe through the NHA Plant-Based Travel and cruise division.

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A unique benefit of the NHA Conference is the selection of two medical students who receive a full scholarship to the conference.

Contact Wanda Huberman for more information on how to apply for the scholarship.  [email protected]

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Members of the NHA enjoy a subscription to the award-winning quarterly health journal, Health Science, access to the “Members Only” section of the NHA Website (which contains all 43 years of back issues of the magazine),  the ability to download for free many classic out of print eBooks on the history of the Natural Hygiene Movement, including Fasting Can Save Your Life and The Greatest Health Discovery, discounts on books, and early notice of the NHA events. Only $35 a year for basic membership within the United States. 

Only $35 a year for basic membership within the United States.

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