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Pumpkin Spice Pancakes and Blueberry Syrup
Pumpkin Spice Pancakes and Blueberry Syrup

One of my favorite fall spices is pumpkin spice. So why not startthe day with it? With just a few ingredients, you can create thesedelicious homemade pancakes in which the pumpkin spice winsthe game-changer ingredient award! They’ll fill your home with aholiday aroma that is sure to begin the morning off right. I hopeyour family enjoys this breakfast as much as ours does. It givesus all the cozy feel of the change of seasons!


1 cup rolled oats

2 medium-sized, ripe/spotted bananas

1 to 2 teaspoons of pumpkin spice

1 tablespoon of date powder (optional; adjust to your sweetness level)

1¾ cup of any plant milk

1.Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend untilsmooth. Additional milk may be needed to reach your desiredconsistency.

2.Scoop 1/3 cup of the batter onto a pan preheated to medium.Allow the pancake to cook until bubbles appear, then flip andc ook until golden.

Enjoy your delicious masterpiece with drizzled HomemadeBlueberry Syrup and freshly sliced fruit

You’ll feel like quite the chef when you whip up this simple but decadently delicious blueberry syrup. It is absolutely the perfect topping for pancakes, waffles, nice cream, fruit, and more!


3 cups of fresh blueberries

2 cups of water

1.In a medium pot, combine ingredients and bring to a full boil.

2.Once a boil is reached, reduce to a simmer for a minimum of 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. During this time, the water will reduce and naturally thicken into a syrup. Natural sugars will also be released, resulting in the perfect sweetness. Feel free to add additional water, one tablespoon at a time, to reach your desired consistency.

3.Allow to completely cool before storing in an airtight jar.

Keep refrigerated.

Tiffany Wilkerson
Tiffany Wilkerson

After her beloved grandmother’s passing in 2010, Tiffany immediately knew that her approach to nutrition had to change.  Starting as a pescatarian and then transitioning further over time, a whole-food, plant-based life was born. Committed to this very new way of living, she immersed herself in plant-based learning—and continues to do so.

Tiffany is a licensed Food for Life Instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. She holds a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell as well as Culinary Plant-Based Certification from Rouxbe’s Forks Over Knives Culinary School. She has also earned her Health & Wellness Coach Certification with an emphasis on lifestyle medicine from Wellcoaches School of Coaching and has completed the Culinary Coaching Health Education Certification from Harvard University. Her mission is to spread the “good news about plants,” which she will continue to do passionately for anybody who can hear the sound of her voice.

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